
Choosing the best contract manufacturer for your business

contract manufacturermakes products on your behalf

For start-up businesses such as supplement manufacturers, small batch pharma or even research labs, its often a sound economical move to start production at a contract manufacturer rather than invest in your own plant.

Testing the market

That way you can test formulations, and explore markets without a major capital outlay. Contract manufacturing can also mean streamlined production, and subsequent cost savings – it certainly removes issues within your business. It can also point to equipment choices when you need to bring production in house. However, all the benefits will only manifest themselves if you work with a contract manufacturer that understands your industry and business needs.

Pick a specialist in your industry

Not all contract manufacturers are the same, and not all have the industry experience you need. They may offer just one type of service, and they might not be able to provide a complete offer end-to-end solutions. They might just be interested in manufacturing large volumes, who are not set up to give you priceless feedback on processes, ingredients or excipient choice. This is fine if you have your formulation figured out to the last detail, but if not, choosing this type of contract manufacturer could mean your warehouse being full of products that you cannot shift in the market, because they aren’t quite right.

Look for a partner and contract manufacturer

A good contract manufacturer is capable of advising you at each stage of production, because they have seen it before and know the pitfalls and the shortcuts. They can help you with formulation, tablet shape and design, excipient choice and packaging and be able to handle everything related to assembly and shipping. The contract manufacturer should be chosen because they know your industry inside and out and are geared up to support your business needs and volume aspirations.

A great contract manufacturer does more than just produce great quality tablets or capsules. The best contract manufacturers can be a genuine partner who will discuss the issues with you, that are relevant to your formulation and business, and will make sure your product is right for the market. They may also provide storage for your ingredients and tooling, so you can call off tablets/capsules to a schedule.